pastore ridFulvio Pastore-Alinante

managing partner


office phone: +39 / 02 / 7628-1370

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Fulvio Pastore-Alinante is the managing partner of SILS – Italian Corporate Law Firm, which he founded with Luigi Zumbo in 2011 following his experiences as partner in the international law firms Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati (at the time member of the PwC-PricewaterhouseCoopers network), Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP e Bryan Cave LLP.

Graduated with honors at the Federico II University in Naples, and after completing his studies as Fellow of the Salzburg Seminar in American Legal Studies and Fulbright Scholar at Columbia University School of Law (LL.M.), Mr. Pastore specializes in corporate and contractual law and litigation/arbitration, commercial transactions, distribution networks and international trade, regularly advising at the strategic level major international groups operating in Italy.

Since its foundation and until December 31, 2024 he was General Secretary and Vice-President of ASLA, the Italian Association of International Law Firms. Mr. Pastore is often speaker at professional events and has published several contributions for the legal market media (The Lawyer, Legal Week, Corporate Counsel, Italia Oggi, Top Legal, Legalcommunity) and legal essays for ASLA.

International legal articles published by Fulvio Pastore-Alinante and freely available on: